Württemberg Royal Dates

January 01 1806 Creation of the Kingdom of Württemberg
January 01 1806 Elector Friedrich II crowned King Friedrich I of Württemberg
January 04 1887 Death of Princess Maria Friederike, dtr of King Wilhelm I and Catherine Pavlovna of Russia
January 09 1807 Birth of Princess (Friederike) Charlotte, dtr of Prince Paul
January 09 1819 Death of Queen Catherine (née Catherine Pavlovna of Russia) 2nd wife of King Wilhelm I
January 12 1885 Death of Prince August, son of Prince Paul
January 19 1785 Birth of Prince Paul, son of King Friedrich I (m1)
January 24 1893 Marriage of Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg to Archduchess Margarete Sophie of Austria
January 24 1813 Birth of Prince August, son of Prince Paul
January 24 1816 Marriage(2) of King Wilhelm I to Catherine Pavlovna of Russia

February 02 1873 Death of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna (née Princess Friederike Charlotte, dtr of Prince Paul)
February 08 1792 Birth of Caroline Augusta of Bavaria, 1st wife of King Wilhelm I
February 09 1873 Death of Empress Caroline Augusta of Austria (née Princess of Bavaria), 1st wife of King Wilhelm I
February 15 1877 Marriage(1) of King Wilhelm II to Princess Marie of Waldeck-Pyrmont
February 20 1824 Marriage of Princess Charlotte, dtr of King Friedrich I, to Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich of Russia
February 21 1783 Birth of Princess Catharina, daughter of King Friedrich I (m1)
February 21 1808 Birth of Prince Friedrich, son of Prince Paul, and father of King Wihelm II
February 25 1810 Birth of Princess Pauline, daughter of Prince Paul
February 25 1848 Birth of King Wilhelm II

March 06 1823 Birth of King Carl I, son of King Wilhelm I (m3)
March 10 1873 Death of Queen Pauline (née Duchess of Württemberg), 3rd wife of King Wilhelm I

April 08 1886 Marriage(2) of King Wilhelm II to Princess Charlotte of Schaumburg-Lippe
April 15 1820 Marriage(3) of King Wilhelm I to Pauline Therese of Württemberg
April 16 1852 Death of Prince Paul, son of King Friedrich I
April 17 1975 Death of Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg, Head of the House of Württemberg
April 23 1829 Marriage of Princess Pauline to Wilhelm, Duke of Nassau
April 24 1882 Birth and Death of a stillborn daughter of King Wilhelm II and Marie of Waldeck-Pyrmont
April 30 1882 Death of Princess Marie of Waldeck-Pyrmont, first wife of King Wilhelm II

May 07 1865 Death of Pauline, Princess of Wied, dtr of King Wilhelm II (m1)
May 09 1870 Death of Prince Friedrich, son of Prince Paul, and father of King Wilhelm II
May 10 1788 Birth of Catherine Pavlovna of Russia, 2nd wife of King Wilhelm I
May 18 1797 Marriage(2) of King Friedrich I to Charlotte, Princess Royal of Great Britain
May 23 1857 Birth of Princess Marie of Waldeck-Pyrmont, 1st wife of King Wilhelm II

June 01 1961 Birth of Friedrich, Hereditary Duke of Württemberg, son of Carl, Duke of Württemberg
June 03 1877 Death of Queen Sophie of the Netherlands, dtr of King Wilhelm I and Catherine Pavlovna of Russia
June 08 1808 Marriage(1) of King Wilhelm I to Caroline Augusta of Bavaria
June 17 1818 Birth of Princess Sophie, daughter of King Wilhelm I and Catherine Pavlovna of Russia
June 17 1787 Birth of Charlotte of Saxe-Hildburghausen, wife of Prince Paul (son of King Friedrich I)
June 25 1864 Death of King Wilhelm I
June 25 1864 Accession of King Carl I

July 07 1856 Death of Pauline, Duchess of Nassau, daughter of Prince Paul
July 13 1846 Marriage of King Carl I and Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia
July 16 1946 Death of Queen Charlotte (née Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe), 2nd wife of King Wilhelm II
July 21 1960 Marriage of Carl, Duke of Württemberg to Princess Diane of Orléans
July 28 1880 Birth of Prince Ulrich, son of King Wilhelm II (m1)

August 01 1928 Marriage(2) of Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg to Archduchess Rosa of Austria
August 01 1936 Birth of Carl, Duke of Württemberg, Current Head of the House of Württemberg
August 22 1807 Marriage of Princess Catharina, dtr of Friedrich I, to Jérôme Bonaparte, King of Westphalia
August 24 1821 Birth of Princess Catherine, daughter of King Wilhelm I and mother of King Wilhelm II
August 31 1814 Divorce of King Wilhelm I and Caroline Augusta of Bavaria

September 04 1800 Birth of Duchess Pauline Theres of Württemberg, 3rd wife of King Wilhelm I
September 11 1822 Birth of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna of Russia, wife of King Carl I
September 27 1781 Birth of King Wilhelm I, son of King Friedrich I and Augusta of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
September 27 1788 Death of Duchess Augusta of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, 1st wife of King Friedrich I
September 28 1805 Marriage of Prince Paul, son of Friedrich I, to Charlotte of Saxe-Hildburghausen

October 02 1921 Death of King Wilhelm II
October 05 1828 Death of Queen Charlotte (née Princess Royal of Great Britain), 2nd wife of Friedrich I
October 06 1891 Death of King Carl I
October 06 1891 Accesion of King Wilhelm II
October 10 1864 Birth of Princess Charlotte of Schaumburg-Lippe, 2nd wife of King Wilhelm II
October 15 1780 Marriage(1) of King Friedrich I to Duchess Augusta of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
October 24 1923 Marriage(1) of Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg to Archduchess Helena of Austria
October 29 1898 Marriage of Princess Pauline, dtr of King Wilhelm II, to William, Prince of Wied
October 29 1939 Death of Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg, Head of the House of Württemberg
October 30 1816 Death of King Friedrich I
October 30 1816 Accession of King Wilhelm I
October 30 1816 Birth of Princess Maria Friederike, dtr of King Wilhelm I and Catherine Pavlovna of Russia
October 30 1892 Death of Queen Olga (née Olga Nikolaevna of Russia), wife of King Carl I

November 06 1754 Birth of King Friedrich I
November 14 1893 Birth of Philipp Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg, son of Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg
November 20 1845 Marriage of Prince Friedrich, son of Prince Paul, to Princess Catherine, dtr of King Wilhelm I
November 29 1835 Death of Queen Catharina of Westphalia, daughter of King Friedrich I (m1)
November 30 1918 Abdication of King Wilhelm II

December 06 1898 Death of Princess Catherine, daughter of King Wilhelm I and mother of King Wilhelm II
December 12 1847 Death of Charlotte of Saxe-Hildburghausen, wife of Prine Paul (son of King Friedrich I)
December 19 1877 Birth of Princess Pauline, daughter of King Wilhelm II (m1)
December 23 1865 Birth of Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg, cousin of Wilhelm II, Head of the House of Württemberg
December 28 1880 Death of Prince Ulrich, son of King Wilhelm II (m1)